MTDC setting new milstones to Market Maharashtra Globally
May 29th, 2016 2:21 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation is setting new milestones to turn Maharastra as a hub of inbound Tourism in India. Taking this concept as priority MTDC of which Paraag Jaiin Nanautia is the most aggresive MD has sent tour operators to Japan to boost tourism.
It will be a familiarization Tours (FAM tours), will be bring exchange of various trade professionals between Maharashtra and Japan.
This is one of the initiatives under the MoU signed between the state and Wakayama Prefecture, Japan in 2013. “There has been a steady influx of tourists from Japan to Maharashtra to study important places around the Buddhist circuit. Team Paraag Jaiin’s prime focus to is to set new dimension in Tourism sector for maximising inbound and outbound travel in the state of Maharashtra