Saturday 7th September 2024


Oct 21st, 2019 12:53 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS


Yogesh Choudhury, IPS

Yogesh Choudhury, IPS

On 14th February 2019, as the world was celebrating the Day eulogising love and affection, a boy aged only 20 years, rammed a SUV loaded with 350 kg explosives into a bus, which was part of a 78-vehicle Convoy of the CRPF on way from Jammu to Srinagar on NH 44 at Lethipora near Avantipora in Pulwama. This was the deadliest terror attack on the forces in the three decades of militancy in Kashmir. The nation lost 40 of its brave CRPF personnel in the attack. Brajesh Kumar was hardly 30 and just had six years of service as a police constable when he was run over by a pick-up vehicle which he was chasing after the vehicle had injured some people while trying to escape the checking point at Manpur PS in Sheopur district,MP on 31.08.19.

HC Umesh Babu was working on his desk in the PS Umari, District Bhind on 09.09.18 when he was hit by a sharp pickaxe by a detainee just been brought. He succumbed to his injuries a few days later, aged 52, leaving behind his wife and sons.
The nation has lost 292 police personnel in this year, out of which two mentioned above were from MP Police. MP has seen sacrifice of 918 police personnel in the line of duty since independence.

On 21st October 1959, a Patrolling party was attacked by the Chinese Army at Janheen, North eastern Ladakh, in which 10 policemen sacrificed their lives. In 1960, 21st October was declared as Police Commemoration Day. It is now celebrated nationwide to commemorate the sacrifice of the Police personnel. A Commemoration Parade is held to pay tribute to the martyrs, with their names being read out, in presence of the dignitaries and police officers at the Police Memorials and Reserve Police Lines.
The National Police Memorial was inaugurated last year on 21st October in Delhi and commemorates the 34,844 police personnel from all of the Central and State police forces who have died in the line of duty since Indian independence. The ‘Wall of Valour’ there bears the name of all these martyrs.

This occasion solemnly reminds all of the valour of the Police in the line of duty. It also serves as an occasion to bring forth the contributions of the police forces towards maintaining peace along with prevention and detection of crime, those being prime requirements for the social and economic development of the country. A number of good works done by Police often take a back seat in comparison to the lesser number of mistakes, failures and deviant acts by few, which get publicised like wildfire. The stigma and the antipathy against Law Enforcement units is fuelled by the prejudices and the presumptions, which are often exaggerated, not based on reason and sometimes due to individual grudges even. The media, cinema and lately the overloaded social media platforms too contribute towards this, falling prey to the sensationalism quotient and the high saleability of negative news. Thus many acts involving deep altruism, hard work, quick intelligence, sharp reflexes, extraordinary dedication and exceptional bravery either go unnoticed or relegated to inconspicuous corners in publications and channels.
The unsung policemen, besides the threat to their lives, have also to cope up with multiple challenges all the time. There is the never ending duty hours’ cycle, even without the emergencies, with leave often an unfulfilled wish. The long stay away from families is always a big burden, both mentally and economically. The collateral damage is the often increased delinquency or under achievement in their children due to lack of sufficient supervision. It goes without saying that the irregular eating, sleeping and duty times often result in more occurrence of BP, Diabetes and other medical issues in policemen than those in other departments. Constantly being hit with the antipathy from the society and the stigma attached to his acts, sometimes a Policeman overreacts and instantly the whole organization gets painted in the villainous hue, washing away the goodwill if any. The society doesn’t often give the same allowance and the tolerance of ‘bad apples’ to police as it does in justifying and condoning the wrongs done by other organisations and services.

The Commemoration Day is thus not just an occasion to pay homage to those Police personnel, who died in discharge of their duties; it is a moment to thank those who work incessantly and selflessly for the protection of our country’s citizens. Each one of use should spare a good wish and respectful thought for Pulwama Martyrs, Brajesh, Umesh and others who died fighting for us; for those patrol men who toil in snow, rain and heat to make our lives peaceful; for those who die while saving other’s lives in natural calamities; for those who recover a kidnapped child safely; for those who get the perpetrators of inhuman crimes against women and children punished; and a little more understanding for some of those too who fall prey to human fallacies, not unlike many others in different jobs….. for many, the bells don’t toll!!

A Salute to all the Police Personnel serving the nation!!

Government News

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