IPS promotions as ADG and DIG in MP
Feb 19th, 2016 3:45 pm | By ThenewsmanofIndia.com | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGEIn Madhya Pradesh seven IPS officers of 1991 batch have been promoted to Additional Director General of Police in The officers are: Upendra Kumar Jain,
Varun Kapoor,
Alok Ranjan, K Baburao, V Madhukumar, Mrs Pragya Richa and R K Gupta.
Also six 6 IPS Officers of2002 Batch has been promoted to DIG, namely
SSP Bhopal Dr. Raman Singh Sikarwar,
Abhay Singh, Rajeshwar Prasad, RK Asuriya, Dilip Kumar and GG Pandey.