Saturday 7th September 2024

M. Suresh takes over as Member (Air Navigation Services) at Airports Authority of India

Sep 2nd, 2021 7:58 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

New Delhi, 02nd September 2021: M. Suresh has taken over the charge of Member (Air Navigation Services) at Airports Authority of India on 2nd September 2021, Prior to this assignment, Suresh was holding the charge of post of Executive Director (Aviation Safety) at Corporate Headquarters of AAI and discharging the strategic function of ensuring safety in aerodrome operation and air navigations services and developing & maintaining a safety management policy of AAI. Suresh is an Air Navigation Service technical expert and has vast experience in planning, provision, operation & maintenance of CNS facilities, airport system facilities & information technology facilities at airports in India. He has been instrumental in the implementation of NOCAS Version-2, the Building Height Clearance Software for the public, SKY REV 360, NIC CPPP Training Program, e-Office deployment and the implementation of the Biometric Access Control project in AAI and many such initiatives.

Government News

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