Jaideep Prasad returning to his parent cadre MP
Mar 29th, 2016 11:45 am | By ThenewsmanofIndia.com | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGE
Jaideep Prasad, an IPS officer of 1995 MP cadre who is presently on central deputation as IGP in BPRD in Delhi. Prior to this posting He has also served as IG Admin in CISF head quarters. Jaideep Prasad will be relieved from BPR&D on 31st March 2016 and he is expected to join his parent cadre in MP Bhopal on 1st April 2016. Before going on central deputation Prasad has served as SP Ujjain and last SP of Bhopal in 2008 before SSP system was introduced in Bhopal.