Saturday 7th September 2024

GDP growth is now 7.2%, which is higher, A.K.Chauhan (NSE)

Jun 1st, 2023 9:42 pm | By | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGE

Ashishkumar Chauhan
MD & CEO NSE, (file photo)

Ashishkumar Chauhan, MD & CEO of National Stock Exchange said: In 2022- 2023, the GDP growth numbers have come in and that is now 7.2%, which is higher; very few economists predict that India will grow at 7.2% on a very high base of 2021 -2022. And it’s a beautiful number, but more importantly, 2023-2024; as we begin on a very good note. That tells us the economic activity that is happening and the growth of economic activities, job creation and overall balancing that is taking place, especially in situations where the world is staring at recession, India’s growth rate for 2022-2023. And now 2023-2024 suggests that India is pretty much the fastest growing large economy in the world again, which is very, very happening. Of course, the bulwark of our growth engine has now become services; we always should have given them more importance. But now for the year 2020- 2023, Extremely $31 billion dollars the highest ever and probably growing fast because of what we learned during COVID that we not only ran our country well, but we ran a large corporation across the world, well selling here in India, and of course, every other activity in some ways or other. Like Foxconn is setting up a new plant in Karnataka which might go live soon with almost 2 crore iphones which are very high-end phones. You’re getting produced from there and that will also increase the supply chain capabilities and bring India into the high-tech supply chain in which India was never there. And many other activities are happening. The difference between men and boys in managing their countries is now apparent during COVID. Suppose you consider or compare ourselves with similar countries on a per capita basis or otherwise and our neighbours in our neighbourhood, like Pakistan or Sri Lanka. In that case, we can realise how good and lucky we are. But somewhere down the line, we should also give credit to all our citizens, but more importantly, towards the government also, which manage the crisis well, and now that it has put us on a new track of huge growth going forward and leading the world in growth going forward.

Government News

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