Friday 18th October 2024

DVC’s 28th Inter CPSU Tournament 2023-24 concludes

Jan 12th, 2024 6:44 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

The closing ceremony of the 28th Inter CPSU Badminton Tournament 2023-24 organized by DVC, under the aegis of Power Sports Control Board, Ministry of Power ,GoI took place on 11th January 2024 at Kolkata. This year the tournament witnessed participation from 12 teams from various entities of the Power sector including Ministry of Power, BBMB, CEA, GRID India, NHPC, NEEPCO, PGCIL, PFC, REC, SJVNL, THDC and DVC. All throughout the tournament, the players gave stirring performance, demonstrating an unmatched level of dedication, determination, discipline and team spirit. The tournament witnessed great camaraderie and sportsmanship between the individual players and participating teams. The Tournament was held in six categories namely, Women’s Singles, Men’s Singles, Women’s Doubles, Men’s Doubles, Women’s Team Event and Men’s Team Event. Team NHPC emerged as the Champions in Women’s Team event & Team BBMB (Bhakra Beas Management Board) bagged the Champions’ trophy in Men’s Team event . Team SJVNL and Team PGCIL finished up as the 1st and 2nd Runner ups respectively in the Women’s team category, whereas Team NHPC and Team GRID India finished up as the 1st and 2nd Runner ups respectively in the Men’s Team category. Miss Aditi Bisht from NHPC and Shri Amit Verma from REC emerged as the Champions in the Women’s and Men’s Singles events respectively. In the Doubles event, Dr. Pinky Kumari Roy and Miss Aditi Bisht, from NHPC bagged the champions’ trophy in the Women’s category whereas, Prashant Thakur and Devinder Pal Singh, from BBMB emerged the Champions in Men’s category. The prizes were distributed by the Member- Secretary, DVC : Dr. John Mathai accompanied by the Executive Director (HR), DVC and other respected Executive Directors of DVC.

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