GoI Empanels Secy and Secy Equivalent posts
Dec 14th, 2017 6:36 am | By ThenewsmanofIndia.com | Category: LATEST NEWSTHE NEWSMAN OF INDIA.COM
Govt. of India has issued orders for the empanelment of 1983 batch IAS Officer as Secretary Rank in GoI and about a dozen IAS Officers belonging to 1984 and 1985 batch as holdind Secretary and Secretary equivalent post in GOI.
The names of Officers are-:
Secretary empanelled pots
Binoy Kumar (1983 batch) and Raghvendra Singh (1983 btach
Secretary Equivalent posts
Sanjay Agarwal,Sujit Gulati,Inder Jit Singh, S N Tripathi, Brij Raj Sharma,
Jaideep Govind,Pritam Singh,Ruolkhumlien Buhril,Veena Ish,P K Mahapatra,
N Sivasailam,Shalini Prasad.