Friday 18th October 2024


May 1st, 2018 10:05 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

(By Bhagyashree Pande)
The recent visit of PM Modi to have an informal meeting with Chinese head Xi Jinping has more of Nehruvian undertone that of peace and diplomacy than the aggressive posture that is expected of him. It was the edifice of peace and harmony on which Nehru had built his vision of Panchsheel in the 1950’s with regards to the northern neighbour . However he was cautioned by none other than Sardar Patel the Home Minister of India who warned Nehru of the ‘expansionist designs of the Communists’ and that India must be ‘alive to the new danger’ and should take steps to make itself defensively strong. Patel was convinced that the Chinese had lulled the Indians into a ‘false sense of confidence’ which led Nehru to overlook completely the plans for invasion of Tibet and later on India. This was in 1950’s shortly before the death of Patel when Nehru was drafting his foreign policy , today in 2018 has much changed ? The Chinese footprint is everywhere around us from Indian Ocean (Sri Lanka and Maldives ) to Nepal and Pakistan the rapid development of Gwandar port as also the influence in Afghanistan. Our border issues remain contentious as ever the Chinese have built roads and efficient communication system in Doklam and there is no abating the Arunachal issue over which the Chinese flex their muscles from time to time. As if this is not enough the Chinese have already made a trade invasion on India with the import of Chinese goods rising to an all time high of $61 bn as against export from India of only $10 bn in 2016-17 (data from Ministry of Commerce govt of India).

Going ahead are these informal meetings going to thaw the hard nosed expansionist minded Chinese ? Or do we have to get down to more serious action sitting across the table and sorting out issues ? PM Modi will have to choose whether to follow Nehru whom he criticizes in every public forum but follows his footsteps or follow Patel’s caution. Its worth seeing who rules Modi’s mind on China issues.

read full article at
In China: Modi’s Nehru footsteps instead of Patel’s

Article By Bhagyashree Pande)

Disclaimer: This article has been taken from the above link as sent with a request by the writer. THE NEWSMAN OF INDIA.COM does not owns any responsibilty whatsoever taking this article into contempt into consideration)

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