Friday 14th March 2025

ACC Approves Non-Official Independent Director on Board of CPSE

Jul 15th, 2018 12:11 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

The Appointment Committee of Cabinet (ACC) has approved the proposal of various Ministries and Department of Govt. of India for the appointment of following candidates as Non-official Independent Director on the Board of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) for a period of three years.
The names of the newly appointed Director are as follows:
ITDC- Parag Sheth,K Padmakumar,Kamala Singh
SECL- Dr. Mukesh Kumar Mishra
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Limited- Vikash Preetam
Balmer Lawrie Investment Limited- Ajay Singhal
CEIL- Om Prakash Mishra
CPCL- D Durai Ganesan
GAIL- Mrs. Banto Devi Kataria
NTPC Limited-K P Kyalasanatha Pilley,Bhim Singh
PGCIL-Mrs.A R Mahalakshmi,Sunil Kumar Sharma
PSC- Ruchit Uppal
RECL-Bhagwat Kishanrao Karad
ECIL –Gulshan Rai Wadhwa
GRSEL-Biswapriya Roy Chowdhury
HAL- RAdm K C Shekhar, Dr. S Malla Reddy
HCL- Sbhash Sharma
CCIL-Deepak Shetty
IRFCL-Ashok Kumar Singhal
RCIL-Rashmi Jain
REMCL-Pradeep Kumawat
ITI Limited-K R Sanmugam,Suresh Chandra Panda, Akhilesh Dubey, Mayank Gupta,Rajan Vidyarthi
CCIL-Digvijay Dixit
JCIL- Sanjay Kumar Panda

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