Saturday 27th July 2024

Adulterous are the enemies of humanity, I am personally monitoring, guilty will be punished servely

Jul 23rd, 2019 12:56 pm | By | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGE

The Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Kamalnath has come down heavily on the incidents of milk adulteration reported in Gwalior region, The Chief Minister Kamalnath with a sharp reaction said I have already made clear that those involved in the adulteration of synthetic milk and milk products will not be spared I am self-monitoring it such elements are enemies of the society and humanity, and the adulterous people who are engaged in playing the health of the people, will be punished with severe punishment.

Any kind of collusion with such elements
If they come in front they will not even escape. Our first priority and commitment to protect public health.

Government News

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