Amazing tales from Hindu Mythology (Sanatana Dharma) by P Narahari, IAS
Sep 27th, 2020 2:46 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWSNow available on Amazon.
Amazing tales from Hindu Mythology (Sanatana Dharma) that give a picture of the evolution of Indian Society. A testimony to the adaptability and progressiveness of the World’s most Ancient Religion. Read The Great Tale of Hinduism by author and administrator P Narahari IAS and writer Prathviraj Singh.
Foreword for this book is written by Vedacharya Dr David Frawley Pandit Vamadeva Shashtri
About the Author and administrator P Narahari IAS,
Parikipandla Narahari,is an IAS Officer of 2001 batch Madhya Pradesh cadre, he served on various key posts in MP Govt. It is general believe that when it comes to duty Narhari is known for his extraordinary telent and conviction. He has been quite sucessful his tenure as Collector Indore.
As an officer of Madhya Pradesh cadre, he has held various posts such as Secretary (Revenue), District Magistrate & Collector of Seoni, Singrauli, Gwalior and Indore. He was also the Chief Executive Officer and ex-officio Additional Collector, (Development); Project Director ICDS & IFAD, Managing Director WFDC and ex-officio Deputy Secretary in Women and Child Development Department, Bhopal.
The Better India recognized Narahari as 10 most inspiring IAS officers of the year 2017.Narahari is one among of those rare professional officers to be credited as Publicity Advisor to three successive governments of different parties.