Saturday 27th July 2024

An unprecedented HR Initiatives that changed lives of many in South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. (SECL)

Jun 18th, 2019 11:12 am | By | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGE

Organizations can use human resources better through organized training programs and skill up-gradation of their employees. It’s a known concept in Organization Management. The magnanimous effect of this powerful concept, if applied in a PSU, would not have been gauzed till recently the principle was applied by HR team in SECL.

Human Resource Systems are a back bone of any organization. A robust HR framework leads to dedicated and disciplined work force committed to its organizational targets. Under the able leadership and guidance of Dr.R.S.Jha, Director (Personnel) of SECL, an attempt was made to utilize skills available within the organization for bigger responsibilities in the coal mine.

The experiment took off with need based training programs for specialized trades of utility in coal mines. SECL employees at the entry level were inspired to take training in trade of their choice. These skill up-gradation trainings were highlighted within the organization and all interested employees were allowed to learn new skills. This exercise had a huge positive impact on the organizational culture. The employees were happy as they had an opportunity to enrich their job and assume more responsibility. They felt the softer caring side of management and were more committed towards organizational goals. Dr. Jha sensed the positive vibes. His initiative had started bearing expected results. He then pushed on with the next level of the initiative. Going ahead with the HR wave, during FY 2018-19, SECL absorbed 199 General Mazdoors, after skill up-gradation in various highly skilled jobs. 57 of them were absorbed as Drill Operators, 46 as Dozer Operators, 24 as Grader Operators, 39 as Payloader Operators and 33 as Crane Operators. They were all unskilled workers in General Mazdoor category. Through Skill Upgradation, they were given an opportunity to enrich their jobs and assume higher responsibilities in Coal Mines. It would be pertinent to state here that during FY 2017-18, a total of 1617 employees were absorbed in various skilled jobs through internal selection. A few of the designations at which the employees were absorbed were Mining Sirdar, Shovel Operator, Pay-Loader, Dumper Operator, Dozer Operator, Grader Operator, Security Personnel, Pharmacist, etc. An opportunity of growth within the organization was a well-received HR initiative in SECL. Now such efforts have become routine in SECL. New ideas and innovations in HR are appreciated and if found viable are immediately implemented. The success of such initiatives can now be overtly seen in positive work culture in SECL.

In a recent HR initiative, SECL under the Apprenticeship Act, had selected youths for a defined period of apprentice. They have been gainfully employed and assigned woks that donot only enrich their skills & knowledge but also enhances their employability. During FY 2019-20, SECL has already initiated process to take 5500 apprentice in various disciplines. The relentless efforts of SECL’s HR team has been successful in creating a worthy culture based on human values and mutual acceptance. SECL story is like realization of a great dream. But knowing the inside story, one would never falter to realize the quantum of meticulous planning and crisp execution that has made the initiative, the one of high impact. The change is clearly visible in the organizational results. SECL is now a coal mining company that produces humongous 157.35 Million Tonnes of Coal, the highest production by any single largest coal company.

Experiments are carried out. Some succeed, some fail and some change the way we look at the world. SECL story beckons to revisit the old systems and adopt new culture of positive change, impactful innovations and higher organizational values.

Government News

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