Celebration of Yoga Day in KIOCL Limited
Jun 21st, 2022 4:24 pm | By ThenewsmanofIndia.com | Category: LATEST NEWS
On the occasion of celebration of 8th International Day of Yoga, mass demonstration was organized for employees and Government school children of Venkatapura following COVID protocols on 21.06.2022 at Corporate office Bengaluru.
Under the guidance of Vasanth Rathod, Life Spirit Yoga Foundation & Smt Meena Krishnamurthy, Yoga session was organized with zeal & active participation of T Saminathan, CMD, SK Gorai, D(F),Bhaskar Reddy, D(P&P), GV Kiran, CGM (P&TS), Sr officers, employees of KIOCL , students and their faculty. Vasanth Rathod demonstrated various asanas based on the common yoga protocol released by the Government of India under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. He shared information about the significance of yoga in our daily life and the benefits if practiced on regular basis to overcome diabetes, hypertension, etc.,