Friday 14th February 2025

CVC to develop Integrity Index of 25 Organizations

Oct 25th, 2017 10:41 am | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

PSU intergracy
In line with the broader strategy and emphasis on preventive vigilance, the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) believes that the next level of systemic change can be through the tool of Integrity Index. The CVC has therefore decided to go in for development of the Integrity Index-based on bench-marking of internal processes and controls within an organisation as well as management of relationships and expectations of outside stakeholders.

The Integrity Index will bring out annual scores/rankings of Public Sector Undertakings/Public Sector Banks and Financial Institutions / Departments /Ministries of Government of India by linking the essential drivers of vigilance with long term efficiency, profitability and sustainability of public organizations and create an internal and external ecosystem that promotes working with Integrity in public organizations.

CVC has adopted a research-based approach for creating an integrity index that various organizations can use to measure themselves and which will evolve with changing needs and with this view IIM-Ahmedabad has been engaged to develop the Integrity Index. Being a new initiative, initially 25 organizations have been selected for development of the Integrity Index (as per list attached). Subsequently, it is proposed to extend the Integrity Index concept to all other CPSUs and organizations of Government of India. The management of all 25 organizations have been involved in the development of Integrity Index.

The main objectives for which the Integrity Index is to be established are:

1. Define what constitutes Integrity of Public Organizations
2. Identify the different factors of Integrity and their inter-linkages
3. Create an objective and reliable tool that can measure the performance of organizations along these above factors
4. Validate the findings over a period of time to improve upon the robustness of the tool that measures Integrity
5. Create an internal and external ecosystem that promotes working with Integrity where public organizations lead the way.

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