Tuesday 18th February 2025

Employment in CPSEs

Dec 13th, 2018 12:28 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

As a social safety measure, Government is implementing Counselling, Re-training and Redeployment (CRR) scheme for employees of CPSEs who have been released under Voluntary Retirement Scheme and Voluntary Separation Scheme. These separated employees have opportunity of self or wage employment after short duration skill trainings under the CRR scheme. In case an employee does not opt for training his or her dependent is eligible for training under the scheme.

The total number of personnel employed in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) during 2017-18 stood at 14.26 lakhs (provisional estimates) was lowest as compared to 14.72 lakhs in 2016-17. The manpower planning and deployment in CPSEs is aligned to the objectives and targets of their business plan, prevailing business conditions & requirements and other factors like future operations, expansion and investment plan.

The proportion of regular employees to total employees during the last four years has remained between 82% to 76%. The reasons for change in manpower employment include prevailing business conditions & requirements and other factors like future operations, expansion, investment plan and retirement.

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