Saturday 27th July 2024

HUDCO Marks its Golden Jubilee

Apr 29th, 2020 8:35 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

SDMeena hudco
On the occasion of HUDCO’s Golden Jubilee, more than 1000 officials and stakeholders from across the country joined a live webcast event to mark 50 years of distinguished service to the nation. In the wake of the corona pandemic, the use of information technology to enable virtual celebration of the foundation day, was a historic first.

Durga Shanker Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, the Chief Guest on the occasion, addressed the officials and appreciated HUDCO’s stupendous contribution towards nation building. He urged HUDCO to continue to dream big and strive innovatively to address the challenges in the habitat sector and to develop as a knowledge hub among the SAARC and Commonwealth nations, particularly post the COVID pandemic. Further, Shri Mishra stressed the need to learn from our past experiences and go beyond our usual business so as to achieve our dream of making India a developed nation by 2030.

Shiv Das Meena, Chairman and Managing Director, HUDCO congratulated the employees for their commitment and dedication over decades, that has made HUDCO a continuously profit making enterprise with a unique business model of ‘profitability with social justice’.

M. Nagaraj, Director (Corporate Planning) welcomed the participants and Shri D.Guhan, Director (Finance) proposed the vote of thanks.

Government News

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