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In first phone call, Donald Trump talks like best freind to Modi, emphasises on mutual relationship like never before

Jan 25th, 2017 9:45 am | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

(Washington DC, New Delhi)
In a maiden communication US President Donald Trump called Prime Minister Narendra Modi last evening. The two leaders discussed the security situation in South and Central Asia, in their first discussion since Trump sworn-in as US President. India and the United States will “stand shoulder to shoulder” to fight global terrorism, the White House said later Addressing the media after the two leaders spoke, the White House said, strengthening the defence partnership between the US and India was among the various topics that came up during their talks. Extending cooperation in various sectors, especially the military was discussed. “President Trump emphasised that the United States considers India a true friend and partner in addressing challenges around the world,” the White House said. The significance of US’ partnership with India was reflected in the fact that President Trump called Prime Minister Modi before he spoke with important allies like Britain, Germany and Japan or major powers like China and Russia since formally taking office last Friday. During his election campaign, India is among the few countries in addition to Israel with whom Trump had spoken of strengthening ties if elected to power. At a charity event organised by a group calling itself the Hindu Republican Coalition, Donald Trump had praised Prime Minister Modi as a “great leader” and sought a kinship of ideas with him as a “pro-growth leader”. He had gone on to say, “Under a Trump Administration, we are going to become even better friends, in fact I would take the term better out and we would be best friends.” After yesterday’s phone call, the White House said that President Trump invited PM Modi to visit him later this year. In tweets this morning, Prime Minister Modi said he too has invited the US President to India. President Pranab Mukherjee had also invited Donald Trump to visit India when he congratulated him on assuming the presidency. President Trump and PM Modi appear to have parallel priorities of job creation, especially through manufacturing, and increasing investments which seem to be headed for a collision. Before his phone call to PM Modi, Donald Trump met with auto industry leaders to promote his programme of “Make in America”. both nations can mutually benefit from their respective “Make in India” and “Make in America” domestic manufacturing programmes.

Government News

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