Wednesday 15th January 2025

JEWELS OF PR IN PSU’s (exclusive story by in series

Oct 25th, 2015 1:29 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS


JEWELS OF PR IN PSU’s (exclusive story by in series

Public Relations is key aspect of any organization. Public Relations (PR) is all about managing reputation The overall image building of any organization depends of the efficiency and orientation of its PR department. This department’s key responsibility lies on the vision and mission of its leader who is called Head of PR Department or Chief of Corporate Communication. In our Indian Public Sector setup PR Head has very crucial role to play. PSU’s PR Department solely responsible to crafts positive public images for the organizations that employ them by gaining favorable media coverage. in an attempt to figure-out the key officials of PR in Indian Public Sector Undertaking setup who shoulder key responsibility of Public Relations and Corporate Communication. in series will bring you about these JEWELS OF PR, to begin with here comes up the first name amongst the jewels that are credited with titles like front face, dedicated and result oriented:-

Rakesh Kumar Singhal, who holds the office of the General Manager, Media Relations & Management, Advertising, Corporate Communication (Internal & External) of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) which is one of the largest state-owned steel making company based in New Delhi, India and one of the top steel makers in world. Familiarly known as RK Singhal has quite extensive experience in the field of PR and Marketing Communication, RK Singhal is considered as jewel of PR in PSU world because of his positive approach and receptive attitude throughout his career, in his career Singhal has worked as indispensable asset for SAIL. Singhal has worked with PSU icons like Aroop Roy Chaudhary and CS Verma Ex-Chairmans of SAIL, He has to play key role for SAIL’s PR and communication, for last so many Singhal has been a front face for his organization to the media world. Singhal accords high repute in PSU world.

watch-out for the next jewel of PR coming shortly
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