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JNPT crosses 5 million TEUs in the calendar year of 2018

Jan 5th, 2019 6:44 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

Jawaharlal-Nehru-Port-and-Raigad-district-reuters jnpt
Navi Mumbai, January 5, 2019;JNPT (Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust),the number one container port in India registered an improved performance for the calendar year of 2018 with a significant growth in both container and bulk cargo volumes in this calendar year. The total container traffic handled in the calendar year 2018 is 5.05 million TEUs, reflecting a7.24 % growth as compared to the previous year.In December 2018, JNPT handled 4.45 lakh TEUs, which is the highest container volume handled in a month, ever recorded. If we look at the current financial year (April’18 – December ’18) figures, the traffic handled so far is 3.81 million TEUs and with the last quarter of the financial year underway, JNPT is well on course to exceed the performance numbers of 2017-18.

Other interesting performance numbers include the bulk cargo growth of 8.41% growth with 8.57 million tonnes compared to 7.90 million tonnes in the previous calendar year. The liquid cargo’s share rose to7.54 million tonnes in 2018 compared to 7.01 million tonne in 2017.

Taking a closer look at the performance of the four terminals, JNPCT handled 11.79 Lakh TEUs, APM Terminal recorded20.77 Lakh TEUs, while DP World (NSICT and NSIGT) handled cumulative of 14.60 Lakh TEUs and BMCTPL handled 3.34 Lakh TEUs in the calendar year -2018.

JNPT has been consistently improving its volume and turnover as many trade friendly measures implemented by the port is fully supporting the EXIM trade community. Several steps under ease of doing business and introduction of Direct Port Delivery (DPD) system have substantially contributed in increasing the volume of traffic handled by the port. Already close to 43% of the cargo handled is routed through DPD system which is not only saving time and cost for the trade, but also elevating JNPT at par with global standards. Another important initiative by JNPT, Inter terminal movement of TTs was used by 6.80 Lakh trucks completing 8.52 transactions, since the inception of the facility. It has helped EXIM trade with fuel saving of more than 10 Cr and reduced the total trade cost by 203 Cr, till date. The ‘ease of doing business’ initiatives at JNPT has been credited for helping India leverage its position in the World Bank Ranking in trading across the borders, from 146 to 80, a jump of 66 points!.

The overall business growth and efficiency in port operations won many awards for JNPT, namely, ‘Innovative Port of the year’ award in the Ruby category at the 6thSamudraManthan Awards 2018, Container Handling Port of The Year at Mala Awards 2018 and Best Port of The Year at India Maritime Awards 2018. Other noteworthy awards include, the Gateway Award 2018 for Container Port of the Year and National Sectoral Excellence Award-Best Port in India at the 4th ATAL SHASTRA MARKENOMY 2018.
JNPT had achieved a record traffic of 4.83 million TEUs for the year ended March 2018 and was also the first port to cross Rs. 1000-crore profit mark. Looking at the performance till December, JNPT is well on course to exceed these numbers from the last financial year and close 2018-19 on yet another record high.

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