JNPT records the highest container handling of 4.18 Lakh TEUs
Feb 7th, 2018 2:02 pm | By ThenewsmanofIndia.com | Category: LATEST NEWS(THE NEWSMAN OF INDIA.COM)
JNPT of which Anil Diggikar is the Chairman, JNPT’s sustained efforts in creating trade-friendly measures over the last few months is reaping reward with an improvement. With the commencement of operations of fourth terminal, EXIM trade gets an opportunity to use state-of-the-art facilities and avail JNPT port for further increasing the volume of traffic.
The Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), handled 4.18 lakh TEUs in January 2018, which is highest ever container traffic handled during a month at JNPT and increase of 13% over the same month last year.
Among the four terminals, JNPCT handled 1.12 lakh TEUs, APM’s shared stood at 1.90 lakh TEUs, DP World (comprising NSICT and NSIGT) together handled 1.15 lakh TEUs during the month of January 2018. The total container traffic handled during current Financial Year 2017-18 (Apr 2017 – Jan 2018) is 40.10 Lac TEUs which is 6.91% higher than 37.51 Lac TEUs handled during same period previous year.
Direct Port Delivery (DPD), one of the key initiative implemented by JNPT to reduce the logistics cost and time has met with highly encouraging response as the share of DPD clearance has steadily risen to more than 37 per cent in the January, 2018. Inter Terminal Movement of TTs was availed by 17,494 trucks completing 22,158 transactions resulting in fuel saving of Rs 7.6 crore since start of this initiative during the month of January, 2018.