Tuesday 18th February 2025

M.R.Kumar, Chairman, LIC of India, “There is no substitute for hard work”

Sep 22nd, 2019 11:05 am | By | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGE

Ramasubramanian Kumar, Chairman, LIC

Ramasubramanian Kumar, Chairman, LIC

Ramasubramanian Kumar, took charge as Chairman, LIC of India on 14th March, 2019. He joined LIC of India in 1983 as a Direct Recruit Officer. In a career spanning more than three and a half decades, he has had the unique privilege of heading three Zones of LIC of India , viz, Southern Zone, North Central Zone and Northern Zone,head quartered at Chennai, Kanpur and Delhi, respectively. He headed two prestigious divisions i.e. Ahmedabad in Western Zone and Ernakulum in Southern Zone as Sr.Divisional Manger. He was also Regional Manager (Marketing ) and Regional Manager (P&IR) at Kolkata and Chennai.

As an Executive Director he headed the Personnel Department as well as the Pension and Group Insurance vertical of the Corporation. During his tenure several initiatives were rolled out for the benefit of the employees His rich experience working pan India, right from North to South and East to West including the heartland states of India while heading Kanpur Zone, has given him a deep insight into the demographics and insurance potential of the country. Moreover, working in different streams of life insurance management viz., administrative, marketing, group and social securities, has given him the twin advantages of enriched knowledge and clarity on processes and procedures in the life insurance industry.

An avid reader, he considers people to be the biggest assets of the organization and firmly believes that tapping their potential and giving them the space to grow has a multifold effect on the growth of the organization. He lives by the adage, that there is no substitute for hard work and sincerity and if there is any then it is
more hard work and more sincerity.

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