Friday 24th January 2025

Minor gas leak occures in GNFC plant, operations restored.

May 29th, 2018 3:54 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

As per the information received from GNFC management that on 28th May, 2018 at around 22.47 hrs, a minor gas leak was noticed from Absorption tower Circulation pump. Same was immediately sensed by alarm and gas leak detector system and immediate safe shutdown of the equipment was taken. Leakage has remained localized and within the plant premise only. Leakage was stopped in 13 minutes. As a matter of precaution and strict safety protocol, Rahiyad villagers were immediately informed and alerted.Safe shutdown actions of the plant is taken.

Extent of Gas leakage was measured repeatedly in the village and it was found that there were no traces of Gases at all. On the contrary, the safety protocol has been found to be very successful.

Few villagers on their own insistence, were examined by company doctors and all of them were found not affected by any gas and were declared safe and discharged.

It is evident that the above incident was of a localized and very short duration leak and there was no gas ingress to area outside the plant. Safety protocols have been of a very high order. Plant will soon comeback in to operation after necessary action.

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