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MP’s new PR Minister Norattam Mishra on the mission for BJP’s forth term in MP

Aug 14th, 2016 9:48 am | By | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGE

Dr. Narottam Mishra is the most trusted and result oriented member of MP’s Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan’s team. It is to be noted that Narottam Mishra who has been made Minister for Public Relation Department which is a key department that propogates the schemes and achivements of the state Government. Mishra’s eligiblity in managing PR as a Minisiter in MP is undebatable, he has been quite sucessfully managing govt’s relations with media for quite some time, Mishra has been solely acting as Govt’s official spoksman also. After taking of PR Department Mishra looked upbeat and prepaired amid handling this challenging role as a minister of PR who is supposed to be front face or ear and eye of the BJP ruled state govt. Taking an initiative to bridge the gap that has taken place in the recent past between govt and the state media organisations Mishra reached DPR Office along with Commissioner PR, Anupam Rajan and Director PR, Anil Mathur for an interaction session with dotcom journalists who are said to be annoyed with DPR for discountinuing govts advts support. In this PR meeting held recenlty Narottam Mishra warmly interacted with journalist and shared hi-tea with them. it proved as breaking ice effort. on this occasion state’s journalists talked to the minister with open heart and assrued him to give rational coverage in news about all progress and achivements happening in Madhya Pradesh. Taking the forthcoming assembly elections in MP in account Narottam Mishra’s role will be a crucial to enough to reprove his worth to the CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan in bringing back Bharatiya Janata Party in power for the consecutive forth term.
Mishra represents Datia constituency of MP but his personality’s impact is acknowledged in MP and national leadership of BJP as well.

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