Saturday 27th July 2024

NFL Completes CSR project on detection of Cervical Cancer among Women

Dec 29th, 2019 2:30 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

Under CSR initiative, NFL undertook project on detection of cervical cancer among
women in Noida recently. The camps were organized in Khoda, Mamura and Sarfabad areas of Noida, wherein 2000 women were screened for cervical cancer detection. The programme aimed at sensitizing women for prevention of disease by adopting better sanitation practices.

In a programme held wherein test reports of the screening were distributed to women. In order to inculcate better hygiene practice, Company also distributed free one year supply of sanitary napkins to these 2000 women. Manoj Mishra, C&MD, Y. P. Bhola, Director (Fin), Smt. Prarthana Mishra, President, Lotus Ladies Welfare Club, Dinesh Sood, GM (HR) I/c and senior doctors from AIIMS were present in the programme. Some women requiring further test/treatment are being given suitable guidance. The project has been executed through Sahbhagita International Foundation under the expert guidance of doctors from AIIMS.

Government News

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