NTPC Ltd. –Q1 FY 2018-19
Jul 28th, 2018 3:24 pm | By ThenewsmanofIndia.com | Category: LATEST NEWS
The Country’s largest power generator – NTPC Ltd. of which Gurdeep Singh is the CMD, NTPC ltd. having group installed capacity of 53651 MW, declared standalone unaudited financial results for the first quarter of financial year 2018-19.
Ø For Q1 FY 2018-19, NTPC Ltd. generated 69.21 Billion Units against 64.41 Billion Units generated in the corresponding previous quarter, registering an increase of 7.45%.
Ø The generation during Q1 FY 2018-19, is the highest quarterly generation, surpassing previous highest quarterly generation of 68.56 Billion Units during Q4 FY 2017-18.
Ø NTPC Coal stations achieved PLF of 77.98% in Q1 FY 2018-19 as against National Average of 63.38%.
For Q1 FY 2018-19, the Total Income was Rs. 22,839.98 crore, registering an increase of 11.19 % over the corresponding previous period Total Income of Rs. 20,541.93 crore. Profit before Tax for the quarter was Rs.3,011.13 crore and Profit After Tax for the quarter was Rs. 2,588.14 crore.