Tuesday 11th February 2025

“Parikrama” an integral part of Hinduism, way to divinity

Mar 28th, 2019 7:25 pm | By | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGE

“An Article”
The importance of the rivers as sacred is testified by the fact that the pilgrims perform holy pilgrimage by Parikrama or Circumambulation of the rivers in the Hinduism, The holy rivers Parikrama is considered to be a meritorious act that a pilgrim does for his soul purification. Many sadhus (saints) and pilgrims walk bare foot for thousands of kilometres in Parikrama of river holy rivers with greate devotion and religious belief.

As taking a dip in holy Ganga has its own great importance, similarly the circumambulation of holy Narmada too has its own significance,The river Narmada is one of the seven holiest rivers. Thus the Narmada mini-parikrama is suppose to be one of the most pious things in the religious belief.As with all parikramas, devotees pilgrims walks clock-wise around the river, walking from source to sea on the south bank and sea to source on the north side, so that the holy site is always on the right. Ideally the pilgrim carries no belongings and accepts gratefully whatever hospitality the universe shows along the way.

During the Narmada Parikrama, devotees have to pass through a place many sites of religious importance which comes under Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh states.

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