Friday 14th February 2025

REC limited Celebrates it’s 51st Foundation Day.

Jul 25th, 2020 2:15 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

Today, REC Ltd. Celebrating it’s 51st Foundation Day. REC official tweeter handle tweetded “Our growth & success wouldn’t have been possible without the support & trust of GoI, State Govts & other stakeholders. REC, the oldest power sector PSU, stands committed to spearheading the transformation of the power sector in India”.

R K Singh MoS (I/C) for power new Renewable Energy GoI. Tweeted
“Your role has been seminal in the growth of the power sector. REC has handheld the power sector, guided them. You have helped the states electrify all the villages and bring light to every home.” –

S N Sahai, Secretary, Power-GoI also congratulated REC family on its Foundation Day.

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