Friday 14th March 2025

SCOPE & GIZ launch certification course, dedicates webpage on Climate Change

Jan 6th, 2025 7:09 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE), an apex body of Indian PSEs, along with GIZ, Germany, a public benefit federal enterprise, has launched first of its kind self-paced advance course on Climate Change and Climate Action to enable the workforce of the Public Sector fraternity to gain formal certification on the subject. The course is supported by International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Government and certified by them along with SCOPE and GIZ, Germany. SCOPE also launched its dedicated webpage on Climate Action enabling PSEs to gain information and engage in peer learning through a single portal.

The advanced course has been designed to develop an understanding about the various aspects of Climate Change and possible actions available to combat the same. The webpage aims to be a single point of information repository entailing Climate initiatives of PSEs, International developments on sustainability and access to important publications and knowledge repositories on the important subject of Climate Action.

Both the initiatives aim at strengthening the PSEs with necessary tools to learn about Climate Change while also providing them a platform to showcase their achievements while also synergizing with peers.

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