Tuesday 18th February 2025

Shivraj trusts Narhari in MP

Nov 22nd, 2017 1:05 pm | By | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGE

Breaking news from MP by THE NEWSMAN OF INDIA.COM
The most deserving and telented IAS Officer of MP cadre 2001 batch Parikipandla Harhari, Revenue Secretary in MP Govt has been given the key responsibility as (Commissioner Information and Public Relations) by the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chauhan. Narhari has been instrumental in redifining the commitment of duties whereever he has been yet posted. This is the reason CM has trusted Narhari for giving IPR Dept. the govt of MP has today issued orders for transfers and postings of a number of bureaucrats including seneior IAS and IPS.

it is to be mentioned that thenewsmanofindia.com recently has published a story of Narhari about his known nature of his extraordinary telent and conviction. He has been quite sucessful in his past postings where ever he has posted categorically his applaudable tenure as Collector Indore.
otherthen his official commitments It is noticed when there is a call of emergency or a social issue Narhari never misses a chance to deliver his duties there too, reportly a similar incident occured in Gwalior wherein a girl met with an accident and she got serious injuries, she required immidiate medical aid, co-incidently this Officer was on way to attend a meeting, Narhari noticed the seriousness the pateint and he immediatly got out of his car and sent the girl to hospital in his vehicle though he had to be a pillion on a moter bike with some one to the hospital. fortunelty the girl’s live could be saved due to reaching hospital at the right time as she was provided the treatment on urgent bases. These anecdote sets examples for everyone to be human first to serve to the humanity otherthen the professional duties.

Narhari is quite prominent in the entire country due to his two books that he has written “Who Owns Mhow? and The Making of Ladli Laxmi Yojna.

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