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Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra to be remembered on his 129 Advent Anniversary.

Mar 3rd, 2017 4:28 am | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra
On the 129 advent anniversary of Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Educational, Religious and socio-cultural programs
are organised on 4th ans 5th of March 2017 at Naba- Himaitpur,Krishnapur, Nalhati, Dist.-Birbhum in West Bengal.

On this occasion numerous dignitaries will be presented including Justice K.G. Balakrishnan (Former Chief Justice of India, Justice Pradipta Roy (Former Justice) Calcutta High Court. MP, MLA’s, SP, Collector, Chairman of various Psus and many other will be attending this memorable program. Prominent Corporate icon Sandip Ghosh and Priya Ghosh will also be present during the entire program.

About: Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra
A golden moment was appeared in a dark period of Indian history, when Param Purush was descended on the earth in British ruled India, in the family of Shiv Chandra Chakravarty and Manmohinidevi in the village of Himaitpur, District Pabna near Dhaka on 14th September, 1888. He was named as Anukul Chandra by his parents; He lived like any other ordinary children but had given lots of extraordinary glimpses of his super powers from his very childhood. Due to financial problems aroused because of his tendency to help his poor friends, he could not complete his medical studies. He returned to His villages and started practicing medicine and curing patients with remarkable success and He became well-known doctor. With His divine touch and healing powers.
He started attracting more and more people towards him, He also used to give spiritual knowledge to peoples and started performing Kirtans. While performing Kirtann’s He was going into trance and was delivering divine messages in divine voices, some of these were recorded in a book called Punya Punthi. In a very short period of time His name and fame spread all over and people started calling Him Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra. He established Satsang Organisation to spread spiritual knowledge to the common man with a simple technique of Being and Becoming. His philosophy of Yajan, Yaajan and Ishtbhriti attracted thousands of thousand people towards Him, irrespective of region, religion and cast.
Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra is a True Master (Sat Guru) and World Teacher and a Prophet of present age. His teachings, messages & spontaneous love and compassion for all beings are reflection of His tuning to Supreme-consciousness. He is the embodiment of “Being and becoming”. Before partition of India, He shifted His entire Satsang and activities to Deoghar in current Jharkhand state of India leaving everything behind in Bangladesh and continued His man making mission in India. He was a prolific writer. Noted among his 94 books (82 in Bengali and 12 in English) are Punyapunthi, Anushruti (6 volumes), Chalar Sathi, Shashvati (3 volumes), Pritibinayak (2 volumes). The Supreme Soul left the earth on 26th January 1969, by promising that He will come back again.

Concept of Satsang Mission:
At the height of his success as a physician, Anukulchandra formed kirtan group which attracted whole host of people from all strata of the society. There are reports that claim that many of the outcast in the society like drug addicts, convicted killers, etc. came to his kirtan group and transformed into a normal human being. Anukulchandra’s fame slowly turned from being just a ‘wonderful physician’ to a friend, a guide and a shelter. Anukulchandra at this time had started having formal devotee by the process of ‘Initiation’ (Bengali: দীক্ষা) in the ‘Holy Name’ that he had received from his own mother in the childhood. Ananta Maharaj, Kishori Mohan Das and Satishchadra Goswami were his first three initiated devotees.
In the years between 1914 and 1919, Anukulchandra, while performing kirtan went into trance. It is said that during these episodes of trance, utterances would come out of his mouth. The people around him started recording those messages and 71 days of such messages was later published as a book called ‘Holy Book’ (Bangla পুন্যপুথি). The messages of these episodes has claims of his Providence. During this period of trance Anukulchandra’s fame as a divine personality spread all over Bengal. People from all over India started coming to see a glimpse of Anukulchandra. Many of them were repeat visitors and eventually moved to Himaitpur to stay with Anukulchandra. As the followers grew and started living around him, in the year 1915, Anukulchandra’s mother gave a name to the movement as ‘Satsang’. The key points of Satsang is
Dharma induces one to evolve out of ardor to a particular oneness.
Energetic serviceable zeal is the root of Bhakti.
Devoted love is the way to Knowledge
Love is always impregnated with love.
Be constant to your Lord with meditation and have bliss.
To Dwell in one’s good is the drive of love.
Concentric Love is the boon of the Lord.
Love is the omniscient Providence.
— Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

At the end of 1919, at the height of his fame with kirtan and trance one evening Anukulchandra disappointed a mammoth crowd by not doing kirtan. Anukulchandra started his new mission called ‘labor of love’. With thousands of devotees living around him, Anukulchandra started his ‘man making mission’ with three guiding principles of ‘Jajan’, ‘Jaajan’ and ‘Ishtavrity’.
Dharma – “By Dharma everyone can live and grow; The sect is not the same as Dharma though.” (translated from Anushruti)
Dharma – “To know Dharma is to know the root cause of anything, and to know that is wisdom”. (Satyanusaran)
He has presented the way of life from scientific aspects without denying the wisdom of the prophets of the past.
He believed that man is the only wealth, not money.
Jajan – to elevate oneself by following a living ideal.
Jaajan – to exalt others through active service.
Ishtavrity – a daily love offering.
Swastayani – five basic principles to achieve healthy, happy and long life.
Sadachar – to accept and embrace everything existential.
Convergence, not conversion
His message to us:
“Do never die, nor cause death;  but resist death to death.” He is the man who introduces you to the man who roared out this extreme optimism against a backdrop of extreme violence and sadness devouring the world, Fulfiller the Best of the age, whose clarion call to resist death, of all sorts, physical and spiritual, has rejuvenated innumerable dwindling souls and awakened umpteenth slumbering minds. He, with His life and sayings, with His own conduct and steps, has shown with great care and love how to enjoy life, live it to the full, with all its fine scents and colours and get rid of the weeds in our character that threaten to spoil all joy and suffocate the vitality before time.  Being with steps to becoming with a Living Ideal at the pivot of life—that is the mantra He wanted to infuse in us as the key to that enjoyment. Enjoyment of life, not of passions. Give a free run to the passions, they will burn you out into a charred existence; control them tightly, they will make you a ridiculous dwarf of a man; but adjust them properly, they will become the very pillars of your existence. But this adjustment is impossible if there be not someone in life who has through his normal conduct of life has successfully accomplished a meaningful adjustment of the passions and complexes. So much so, that his every look, every movement, every word and step appears sweet and beautiful to our senses. In the fragrant company of such a personality the mind becomes free of all sorrows that weigh too heavy on the soul. His company and adherence slowly makes one adjusted, that is, beautiful in all aspects, like a piece of iron in close proximity of a strong magnet gradually acquires magnetic properties. SREE SREE THAKUR ANUKULCHANDRA is one such man the magnetic charm and aura of whose simple yet gorgeous personality has drawn millions towards Him. He has denied no time-tested ancient and traditional wisdom, but presented them in a sugarcoating of irrefutable reason from deep scientific aspects making them conducive to present needs. He has not only sieved out the problems throttling our existence, but has also offered solution. People, irrespective of caste, colour, creed and religion, have, during His lifetime and after, found in Him the nearest fulfilling companion of their lives.
Finally we should conclude our life under his blessings—


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