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THDC’s 34th AGM held, R.K.Vishnoi, CMD, addressed the shareholders.

Sep 22nd, 2022 12:20 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

(THE NEWSMAN OF INDIA.COM) The 34th Annual General Meeting of THDC India Limited was held on  Tuesday, 20th  September, 2022 at 3:40 P.M in New Delhi. R.K. Vishnoi, Chairman & Managing Director of the company, chaired the Meeting. The Board of Directors, Shareholders, Statutory Auditor, Secretarial Auditor of the company were present during the meeting.

R.K. Vishnoi, CMD addressed the shareholders on the occasion and shared the achievements and growth plans of the company during the year .

The chairman Vishnoi said, THDCIL is focused on strengthening base of its existing businesses while building new business models. THDCIL envisages to have installed capacity of 4351 MW by 2025. In FY22, the company achieved 118% of CAPEX which amounts to Rs. 3231.51 Cr as against a target of Rs. 2730 Cr. Total generation achieved from all plants was 4670.81 MU during FY 22 which is 105.43.MU   more  than  previous  year.

In FY 22 total revenue of the company is Rs.1921.49 Cr. and total Profit earned by the company is Rs. 896.92 Cr. He informed that , Tehri HPP and Koteshwar HEP provided additional Power Generation support during “Coal Crisis” in the month of Oct’21. The increase in reservoir capacity of Tehri due to the permission to fill the water up to 830 metres helped the THDCIL to generate more power during the recent power crisis. The corporation generated a record 650 Million Units (MU) of electricity in the month of October when the country was facing a power crisis.

About the ongoing projects, Chairman informed the shareholders that in Tehri PSP, works in all fronts are in advance stage of commissioning.  After implementation of different  measures in  the interest  of  the project (VPHEP), the  project is  on track  and  1st  unit  is  likely  to  be  commissioned  by  Oct’2024. He shared with shareholders that THDCIL’s coal fired power plant in Khurja is going to be the fastest coal fired plant ever implemented in the Country. In Khurja STPP, all packages have been awarded and work is in progress in full swing in all fronts. Coal Mining Agreement (CMA) for Amelia Coal Mine has been signed with MDO, and all efforts are being made to open coal mine in Sep-22 and start of extraction of coal from Dec-22.

While addressing the shareholders he said“ THDCIL is in process of implementing a Pilot Project for carbon capture  at  Khurja  STPP  (2x660MW) with a newly emerging cost-effective carbon capture technology. This shall help in removing  majority of carbon based  emission (CO2, Methane etc)  from  exhaust  gases. Flue Gas Desulphurization system is also being installed in Khurja based on Wet Lime Stone Forced Oxidation process technology to reduce the emissions of Sulphur Dioxide in flue gas produced by coal being fired in boiler to the limits well below that specified in the Environmental  Clearance.” Vishnoi told shareholders , “THDCIL is all set to take a lead role in achieving the target capacity of 500 GW of green energy by 2030. In pursuit to the goal, THDCIL has already started to develop solar plants of 2000 MW. The company has also signed the MoU for development of 10000 MW of Solar Power Park in Rajasthan. In next 3 years, THDCIL has a set an ambitious target of 25000 MW green energy.” THDCIL is expected to start projects of 6000 MW Hydro Power in next 2 years . Ministry of Power, GOI has allotted 02 Nos Hydro-Electric Projects (Kalai-II  1200  MW and  Demwe  Lower  1750 MW) in  Lohit Basin of Arunachal Pradeshto THDCIL to pursue 
with  the  State  Govt.  for  carrying  suitable analysis  and  preparation  of  evaluation  report. To explore future possibilities of energy generation from Renewable Sources, THDCIL has planned to install a pilot project for Green Hydrogen production and Hydrogen fuel cell based micro-grid at  THDCIL  office  complex, Rishikesh, Uttrakhand.

He informed that THDCIL, is making all efforts in alignment with Government’s Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan vision to promote local economy. Further, in the annual general meeting, the shareholders of the company adopted the audited financial statements of the company for the year ended march 31, 2022 and the report of Board and Auditors. The company declared the dividend of Rs. 197.94 Cr. to the shareholders of the company. Total Dividend paid by the Company for FY 22 was 515.30 Cr including Interim dividend of Rs. 317.36 Cr. Further, the shareholders of the company also approved the proposal for raising of funds through issue of Corporate Bonds up to Rs. 3000 Crore on Private  Placement  Basis. The Chairman thanked all the Stakeholders for their presence and continued support.

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