Saturday 27th July 2024

Union Steel Minister visited SAIL Units at Ranchi

Dec 27th, 2016 6:42 am | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

Recently Steel Minister Birendra Singh visited SAIL Units of Ranchi and urged them to register global presence in terms of increasing exports of SAIL steel by producing more and more special steel at optimum cost. He also emphasised the need of presence as a world class Management Institution as well as high Safety standards. Minister also inaugurated a pelletisation plant at Research & Development Centre for Iron & Steel (RDCIS),
SAIL in Ranchi. On this occasion, Chairman,P.K.Singh, Director(Technical) Raman, Executive Director (RDCIS), B.N. Thakur, Executive Director(CET), P. Saidev, Executive Director(SSO), R.K. Tripathy, Executive Director(MTI), Mrs. Kamakshi Raman and other senior official of SAIL Ranchi Units are also present. He appreciated the innovations by SAIL R&D but urged for intensive marketing and thereby commercialization of product and process innovations. The Engineering and Technology Unit
at Ranchi CET apprised that they have implemented hitherto single largest package in the history of SAIL at Hot Strip Mill, Rourkela. The challenge further lied in continued interventions till production reached to capacity levels.
Inaugurating the Pelletization Plant at RDCIS, he underscored the merits and enormous scope of pellets. Thereafter inaugurating the e-Abhigyan knowledge sharing Portal at Management Training Institute (MTI), SAIL he emphasized the concomitant modality of Learning and Sharing. After inauguration of the system, Hon’ble Minister advised to utilize mineral resources of low grade iron ore and also expressed his views to make great use of this equipment to maximum level for National interest. Apart from this equipment, operation of ball mill, disc pelletiser, blaine apparatus and cold compressive strength equipment has also been witnessed. Any type of Iron ore can be made quality heat hardened pellet through this automated pilot pellet heat hardening unit. From this equipment the desired endurating cycle can be developed simulating actual plant condition. This equipment is designed by RDCIS and CET, which has been successfully implemented. The equipment can be used by existing pelletisation plants to freeze their parameters for making pellet to be used in blast furnace as well as DRI (Direct Reduce Iron) Plant. The data obtained after testing from this equipment would be handy for optimization operating parameters in the existing plant and also useful for designing for
commercial pelletisation plant.

Government News

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