Saturday 27th July 2024

Vigilance Awareness Week at SECL

Oct 27th, 2020 9:18 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

New Delhi: Vigilance Awareness Week is being observed in SECL from 27.10.2020 to 02.11.2020. CMD, SECL, A P. Panda, as chief guest in the Inauguration Function on 27.10.2020, inaugurated the Vigilance Awareness Week, at SECL HQ in Bilaspur. Director (Personnel) Dr. R.S. Jha, Chief Vigilance Officer B.P. Sharma, Director (Technical) Operations R.K. Nigam, Director Technical (P&P) M.K. Prasad and Director (Finance) S.M. Choudhury were present as Guest of Honor.

Inaugural Function started with welcome address by GM(Vigilance) K. R. Rajeev. While enlightening the audience about the basic theme of the Vigilance Awareness Week, he also elaborated on various events that will be undertaken during the week. Further, CVO B.P. Sharma made presentation on Vigilant India, Prosperous India. Therein he specifically mentioned about the decreasing trend seen in the complaints received over years especially due to SECL’s focus on preventive vigilance.

Thereafter, Integrity pledge was administered by SECL CMD A. P. Panda to all employees present and those who joined through video conferencing. Further, messages of The President of India, The Vice President of India, The Prime Minister of India, The Minister of Coal andParliamentary Affairs, The Vigilance Commission and The Chairman of CIL was read by various dignitaries present.

Online Portals to systematize SECL process were inaugurated by CMD SECL Shri A. P. Panda. The portals include:- Harmony – Online redressal system, Aaswasan – Quarter maintenance redressal and maintenance app, Samagri – Mobile app for item search in stores and Aawas Aavantan – an App for quarter allotment. These apps are believed to help employees resolve routine issues faster.

The gathering was then addressed by CMD, Directors and CVO SECL. CMD SECL in his speech emphasized on the importance of executing work in a systemic and transparent manner. While elaborating on the need to speedily redress grievances, he mentioned that everyone should carry works in allotted time. He appealed everyone to bring at least one change, either in work, system, process or interaction that could better the business process. He appreciated recent IT initiatives taken in the company especially the implementation of e-office. Finally, he extended his compliments for successful completion of Vigilance Awareness Week – 2020.

Government News

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