Tuesday 18th February 2025

Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak takes Charge of CMD GAIL

Aug 1st, 2019 5:59 pm | By | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGE

Gail Karnatak
After the third extension denied to B.C. Tripathi, CMD, GAIL India Ltd*. Who held the post of CMD for about a decade, Today *Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak, the Director (Projects) has taken over the Charge as CMD, GAIL India Ltd.

Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak is an M. Tech from IIT Delhi, an MBA in Finance and a Ph.D. from University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun, Dr. Karnataka is presently pursuing Post-Doctorate in Business Administration on ‘Organizational Maturity in Project Management’ He is a multi-talented personality who has developed innovative techniques and authored books on varied subjects. He is a B Tech in Electrical Engineering from HBTI, Kanpur.

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