Sunday 8th September 2024

P.K. Singh, CMD, hails the team NCL on achieving 100 Million Tones Production.

Feb 18th, 2021 8:51 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

(THE NEWSMAN OF INDIA.COM) Singrauli: Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) produced 100 Million Tones in a consecutive third year, Prabhat Kumar Sinha, Chairman and Managing Director, NCL applauded the outstanding work and efforts of the NCL team, commenting on this CMD said, “You and we are once again witnessing this glorious moment when your company has already achieved the magic figure of 100 million tonnes for the third time in a row.” It is the positive thinking, strong will, concerted effort, loyalty, and duty of Team NCL, despite which we have reached this height despite the global epidemic.

He further added, “Our laborers have proved that even the biggest obstacle cannot stop you from achieving your goal. Surely, this spirit of yours will prove to be very important in view of the energy-self-reliance of the nation even further.”

While concluding his message he Hearty congratulates and gives best wishes to all NCL workers and beneficiaries on this special achievement.

Government News

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