Sunday 8th September 2024

Valedictory function of Vigilance Awareness Week at KIOCL Ltd

Nov 18th, 2023 9:31 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

Arvind Jadhav, IAS ( Rtd), Former Chief Secretary to GoK was the Chief Guest for the Valedictory function on the occasion of Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week & Preventive Vigilance Campaign in Pellet Auditorium, Corporate Office, Bengaluru.The Chief Guest was felicitated by T Saminathan, CMD , SVR Chandra Sekhar, IDES, Chief Vigilance Officer, Binay Krushna Mahapatra, D(C), Manoj Kumar Jhawar, D(F) & Ganti Venkat Kiran, D(P&P). Essay and slogan writing competitions were conducted for the employees and students of schools & colleges. The Chief Guest addressd the gathering & distributed prizes to the winners of the competitions. Shri BH Basavaraj, GM (Vigilance) welcomed the gathering & proposed vote of thanks. S Rajanesh Kumar, Dy Manager ( RB) compered the program.

Government News

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