Saturday 7th September 2024

GoI’s Disinvestment Policy

Mar 10th, 2018 1:09 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

Minister of State for Finance P. Radhakrishnan stated in reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
The extant disinvestment policy, inter alia, envisages:

Listing of profitable CPSEs on stock exchanges to unlock the value of the company, improve efficiency and promote ”people’s ownership” by encouraging public participation in CPSEs;
Disinvestment through ”minority stake sale” in listed CPSEs to achieve minimum public shareholding norms of 25 per cent. While pursuing divestment through ”minority stake sale”, the Government will retain majority shareholding, i.e. at least 51% and management control of the Public Sector Undertakings; Strategic disinvestment by way of sale of substantial portion of Government shareholding in identified CPSEs upto 50 per cent or more, along with transfer of management control.

As per the disinvestment policy, the Government has approved listing of 14 CPSEs in sectors like railways, defence, power, steel, renewable energy & insurance. The Government has also put in place a mechanism/procedure alongwith indicative timelines for listing of CPSEs on 17.02.2017 which are followed by Administrative Ministries/ Departments.

Government News

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