Saturday 7th September 2024

Redifining Smart Policing, Bhopal sets a Model

Jul 29th, 2018 12:01 pm | By | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGE

bhopal police
Smart policing is that inculcate integrity of the highest order, sensitivity to aspirations of people in a fast-changing social and economic milieu, respect for human rights, broad liberal perspective of law and justice, high standard of professionalism, physical fitness and mental alertness. Following the lines of ‘Smart Policing’ Bhopal Police capitulating the confidence building among the citizens of the city, quite successfully curbing in unabated crime figures in the recent past in Bhopal, team working with the commitment to develop harmonious relationship with the communities for a better and safer place to live, Bhopal Police is up to deliver their duties with pledge to control all sort of crimes is the reason for this change. also a commandable work to rehabilitate through counselling, Bhopal police also helping in getting the jobs to the law breakers in order to bring them back in to the meanstream. Bhopal police recently started URJA Desk, (Urgent Relief & Just Action), Mahila Shakti Squade and many such noble initiatives. Senior IPS Jaideep Prasad is the IGP (Bhopal) Dharmendra Chowdhary holds the command of DIG Urban, while K B Sharma, DIG (Rural) Dharamveer Singh Yadav, SP (HQ) Rahul Kumar Lodha, SP (South), Hamant Chouhan,SP (North) and Mrs. Rashmi Mishrs, Adl. SP (Crime) Bhopal.

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