Saturday 7th September 2024

Wait and Watch situation for CEL’s Disinvestment ?

Nov 12th, 2018 9:11 am | By | Category: LATEST NEWS


The NITI Aayog listed (CPSEs) Central Electronics Ltd ‘CEL’ as one of loss-making’ is on its way of disinvestment or to be sold ?. A section of CEL employees have denounced the government’s move to privatise the Central Electronics Ltd ‘CEL’

As per the reports the government is said to be cleared a proposal for 100% stake sale through strategic sale with transfer of management control. The PSE employees have reportedly been agitation and criticising the move of the govt. saying is that, CEL has been wrongly clubbed with other loss-making CPSEs.

It is wait and watch situation for the fate of CEL.

Government News

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