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All Indian institutions must inculcate democracy in true spirit, IICC being no exception.

Jan 1st, 2019 11:27 pm | By | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGE

MW Ansari IPS CG
THE NEWSMAN OF INDIA.COM, In a third consecutive interview with M.W.Ansari who is contesting for the post of Member,Board of Trustees (Ballot No. 4) at India Islamic Cultural Centre, New Delhi.Here are the excerpts of the interview:

Q. In order to transform the identity of IICC, what changes would you like to bring in the role of Board of Trustees in the IICC?

Ans.It is high time IICC was transformed from a largely dormant society into a vibrant and active organization, to realize the noble aims and objectives for which it was originally conceived and established. Being the engine that drives the whole system, the Governing Body, especially the Board of Trustees is in need of attitudinal revitalization and change. From being “bosses” they need to become “leaders”,having focus primarily on the growth and well-being of the society and the communities to which they belong. Individual and collective efforts of members of the Board, inspired by vision and service ethics, can make a substantial difference in the quality of society.

Q. According to you, has IICC given its maximum potential of its establishment objective?

Ans. Time and again, I have said that the IICC, as a society, may serve as a classic example of “underutilized potential” and “missed opportunities”. IICC was never conceived to serve only as a club for get-together and socializing, theoretical debates and discussions, hosting celebratory events and felicitating visiting dignitaries. Absence of any tangible positive impact on the contemporary society at large, and the muslim community in particular, by the IICC is testimony to the sorry state of affairs.

Q.What facilities and advantages Muslim Youth can draw out of IICC, if taken into consideration?

Ans. In its present setup, the IICC can very well act as an enabler and facilitator for the Muslim Youth to avail and benefit from the numerous welfare schemes of the Government. Indian Government, at all levels, announces welfare schemes for a cross section of the society from time to time. These schemes could be either Central, State specific or a joint collaboration between the Centre and the States. There is no dearth of welfare schemes but lack of timely information about the same. IICC can function as an easy and single point access to information about several welfare schemes of the Government and their various aspects including eligible
beneficiaries, types of benefits, scheme details etc.

Q.It is learnt that the present strength of membership of the IICC is roughly 3500. Don’t you think that this is a very low count, given this Society nearing four decades of its existence?

Ans.Yes, I totally agree with you in this regard. And reasons for such low and almost static membership count are self-evident – IICC being a Delhi-based organisation with no offshoot in
other towns and cities, absence of outreach activities, and, above all, the inertia of those at the helm of affairs of the society at different points of time. No proactive steps have been taken to increase the membership of the society.

Q. Given the expectations of
people from IICC, the Society needs to be broad-based and numerically strong. Do you have any action plan on this front?

Ans.One section of the Muslim community, i.e. the Student Community holds great promise for us. Today’s students are Tomorrow’s Leaders and Torch Bearers of the Community. It greatly pains me the fact that IICC has till now left this valuable asset untapped.I propose a new Students Chapter of the IICC. Let this
chapter be entrusted with the task of conducting membership drives, starting with AMU, JAMIA MILLIA, JAMIA HAMDARD and MANUU campuses. Membership fees for the Student category should be kept low, so that more students can enrol as members of IICC. This will also infuse young blood in the organization.

Q. One of your visions is to work towards preserving the disappearing Urdu language, and restoring its lost glory. How have you planned to go about

Ans.There is no dearth of litterateurs of Urdu language in our country – writers, poets, editors, critics, etc. All have been making rich contributions to the treasure trove of Urdu
Literature, which, unfortunately, go largely unnoticed. Several great works also go unpublished simply because the creator cannot afford the documentation and publication cost.A new forum named Guild of Urdu Litterateurs under the umbrella of IICC is envisaged. This will provide a platform to this community to publish their literary works in the form of a magazine under the banner of IICC. Advertisements in this magazine will be a source of additional revenue for the Society, a part of which will be paid to the contributing writers.

Q. There are reports of certain messages, mostly in whatsapp groups of society members,favouring the present incumbent be made lifetime president, by citing his contribution to the society.Have you got to say anything on this?

Ans.Yes, I have also heard of such stray messages doing the rounds among certain vested interests. In this regard, I have only to say that India is a democracy, rather the largest democracy in the world. Therefore, all its institutions must practice and inculcate democracy in true spirit, IICC being no exception. There is no place for hero worship in any democratic institution. Any person, howsoever great he or she may be, cannot be above any organisation. Therefore,
those propagating certain names for lifetime presidentship of the IICC betray their failure or inability to appreciate that adherence to democratic ethos is of paramount consideration
in any institution/ organization/ society.

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