Tuesday 18th February 2025

FSIB Recommends Ashok Chandra for MD & CEO in PNB

Oct 29th, 2024 2:05 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

Ashok Chandra

Financial Services Institutions Bureau interfaced with 16 candidates on October 26& 28, 2024 for the position of Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO) in Punjab National Bank (PNB). Keeping in view their performance in the interface, overall experience and the extant parameters, the Bureau recommends Ashok Chandra for the position of MD & CEO in PNB.

Ashok Chandra started his banking career with Erstwhile Corporation Bank in September’ 1991 as Probationary Officer. He holds a Masters in Economics and is also a Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers.
Ashok Chandra has a wide exposure in the Banking domain ranging from Branch operations as a Branch Head of various demographics such as Rural, Urban and Metro and handled greater responsibilities such as heading Zones / Regions of the Bank across the country. He had very successfully handled VLBs and also has exposure in Overseas Operations when he was posted at Representative Office of the Bank at Dubai, UAE. On his elevation to General Manager in 2018, he was assigned to lead the Recovery, Legal and Stressed Asset Management Vertical (SAMV) of the Bank. He continued to work there on his elevation to Chief General Manager in Union Bank of India in 2020. He was chosen to be a part of the leadership program designed by the Banks Board Bureau. Throughout his career, he has achieved great laurels and accolades such as Star Performers Club, Grahak Seva Award, Grahak Mitra Award, Healthy Branch Award, Chairman’s Club Membership, Best Branch Award, Mega E – auctioneer Award, Leadership Award, Champion of Champions Award etc., He has attended various trainings and workshops in India and abroad.In 2021, he was appointed as Director in Union Trustee Company Private Limited and also Director in NARCL. He was also a member of “Standing Committee on Stressed Assets” formed by IBA. He has taken charge as an Executive Director of Canara Bank on 21st November 2022.

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