Tuesday 11th February 2025

IRCTC rated as “Excellent CPSE” 2019-20

Oct 17th, 2021 9:06 pm | By | Category: SPECIAL NEWS COVERAGE

Government of India, Ministry of Finance,
Department of Public Enterprises has recently issued MoU Score and Rating for the year 2019-20 of CPSEs under the administrative control of various Ministries and Departments. The Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Ltd. has outstandingly scored 96.00 with an excellent rating in the list. Amid the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, IRCTC could sustained it’s glory whereas it was the worst period for the business world. This is the result of the persistent efforts of Team IRCTC at large. IRCTC has successfully completed 21 years of journey and serving to society at large and rail passengers in particular.

IRCTC has recently celebrated its 21st Foundation Day. Having made a beginning on 27thSept 1999, with a paid up capital of Rs 20 crs, in a short span of 20-21 years, the Company has grown up to a stage where its Market Capitalisation is more than Rs 20000 Crs. IRCTC, over a period of time has risen to the challenges arising at different points of time in the form of transfer of Catering to Railways , withdrawal of Service charge and so on and has come out in flying colours every time. It is because of outstanding efforts, hard work and dedication and contribution of each member IRCTC family.

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