ONGC marks an other significant milestone
Aug 25th, 2024 7:50 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS
On 24 August 2024, ONGC limited marked a significant milestone by starting production from its fifth oil well in the Block KG-DWN-98/2 Cluster-2 asset. Leveraging the floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessel, ONGC has begun transporting and sale of associated gas, all the while underscoring its commitment to achieving zero gas flaring. With this ONGC successfully also commissions its gas export line from offshore to onshore terminal. Earlier in January, oil production commenced from the same asset, with 4 of 13 wells already flowing. Gas production is also advancing, with 3 of 7 wells online. ONGC’s dedication to self sufficiency continues with six water injection wells enhancing output.