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Prime Minister Praises CM of Chhattisgarh Dr.Raman Singh on Twitter.

May 18th, 2016 5:25 am | By | Category: LATEST NEWS


Prime Minister Narendra Modi has praised Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh on Twitter.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was briefed on Chhattisgarh’s usage of technology to identify watersheds & plan irrigation strategies & the states’s afforestation efforts.

PM twitted CM @drramansingh told me that a quintal of rice has been kept with each Panchayat to ensure no one starves in the villages. A good step.

Met @drramansingh to discuss Chhattisgarh’s drought situation & how centre & state can work together to mitigate it.

2015-09-13 16.14.30

It to be mentioned here the Dr. Raman Singh govt has been quite effectivly taking measures to boost the irrigation sector in the state.
Team Raman Singh has been instrumental in making CG as rapidly growing state on national senerio neverthless to say that PS to CM Aman Singh’s devotion and dedication on comprehensive development of the state of CG has been feelt across the bureaucracy in the country.

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