Wednesday 3rd July 2024

SECL Director-Finance, Srinivasan gets an emotional farewell

Jun 29th, 2024 8:11 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

G. Srinivasan Director (Finance) retired from Coal India/SECL on 30.06.2024. the fairwell ceremony of Srinivasan was organised in the courtyard of SECL Headquarters Administrative Building in the presence of Chairman cum Managing Director Dr. Premsagar Mishra, Director Technical (Operations) S.N. Kapri, Director Technical (Planning/Project) Franklin Jayakumar, Director (Personnel) Biranchi Das, President of Shraddha Mahila Mandal, Mrs. Poonam Mishra, Vice President- Smt. Raji Srinivasan, Mrs. Sangeeta Kapri, Mrs. Anitha Franklin, Director (Finance) G. Srinivasan’s sons, Vignesh Srinivasan and Vaishakh Srinivasan, A heartfelt farewell was given in the presence of various Heads of Departments, Regional Chief General Managers/General Managers, SECL Steering Committee, Safety Committee, Welfare Board officials, SISTA/Council/OBC officials,CMOAI and various trade union representatives, officers, employees were present on this occasion. Director (Finance) G. Srinivasan thanked everyone for their support during his more than three decades of service in Coal India. He said that success is definitely achieved by accepting the challenges of the coal sector and being committed towards one’s goal and working continuously. In the program, photo albums and press clippings collected by the Public Relations Department were presented which were presented by the Board of Directors to G. Presented to Srinivasan. The program was conducted by Manager (Personnel/Employment) Varun Sharma and Manager (CMC) C. Anuradha. In the end, vote of thanks was given by Public Relations Officer Dr. Sanish Chandra. A large number of company employees were present in the function.

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