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Mar 20th, 2017 1:34 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

Yogi Adityanath

Yogi Adityanath

March 20, 2017
(By Bhagyashree Pande)
Shocking as it may sound the choice of firebrand Gorakhpur MP Yogi Adityanth as UP CM but if one goes by the probable logic that Modi must have applied then the Yogi fits the bill. Firstly the Yogi runs a Hindu Vahini Sena which is essential to unleash in rural hinterland if political goons have to be countered for executing any developmental work. The goons will ensure that proposed programs reach the masses without the goondaism of rival party blocking them. Second the Yogi has championed the cause of Universal Civil Code which is BJP’s next big agenda after GST,this also involves doing away with triple Talaq in UP this would mean weaning away more women voters for 2019 based on this issue. Third, the Yogi has suggested pushing mechanised slaughterhouses outside city limits in far off places this prevents loss of livelihood unlike the proposal to shut them down completely. Fourth, the Yogi has championed the cause of minority community like Nishads to be brought in reservation list besides adding such small communities to be brought in the reservation fold could mean BJP will get votes of this community in 2019 taking its vote share higher. Fifth, the Yogi has also tremendous administrative experience in Gorakhpur area where he has many schools, charities, community welfare centres,hospitals run by his organisation the Gorakhpur Mutt. This administrative experience would come in handy to be replicated in the state. Six,the Yogi has also done work in the arena of public distribution as a member of food and civil supplies committee for nearly 6-7 years translated on the ground it would mean ensuring supplies of gas cylinders under the PM Ujjwala scheme to every poor household in addition to this executing other schemes meant for rural hinterland like sanitation projects etc would become easy.

From the experience that the Yogi comes with Modi is trying to achieve social cohesiveness through his economic programs. Yogi seems like an able executioner given his experience as an MP as also as the head of the Gorakhpur Mutt but what really needs to be seen is that he is an upper caste Rajput and the people of UP especially from lower class should get the sense in the Yogis working style that he is here to make the difference to țheir lives only then will the BJP be able to script a bigger success from UP in 2019 elections.

(This article has been taken from the below link as sent by the writer. THE NEWSMAN OF INDIA.COM does not take any responsibilty taking this article into consideration)

Six reasons why Yogi Adityanth can turnaround UP

Government News

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