Sunday 8th September 2024

WAPCOS celebrats World Environment Day.

Jun 5th, 2023 7:07 pm | By | Category: LATEST NEWS

WAPCOS celebrated World Environment Day. On the occasion of World Environment Day, an Awareness Programme on Mission Lifestyle (LiFE): Workshop on Environment Conservation & Harmony with Nature was organized at WAPCOS Office, Gurugram on 5th June, 2023.

R.K.Agrawal, CMD, WAPCOS & NPCC administered the pledge and addressed the gathering. Anupam Mishra, Director (Comml. & HRD); Anupam Chandra, CVO were also present from WAPCOS.

The programme included Presentation on Environment Conservation by Animesh Kapoor, Naturalist and Wild Life Educator. A talk on living in Harmony with Nature was delivered by B.K.Piyush, Director, Brahma Kumaris followed by Guided Meditation. All the officers present from WAPCOS & NPCC participated with greal zeal.

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